Chikory's Epiphany Toilet

No epiphanies.  No toilets.  Just a whole lot of crap.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Are you an annoying customer?

I've been feeling pretty pissy the last couple of days. I've had a good run, though. Usually every day that involves my having to deal with the public by any means leaves me irked in epic proportions. However, the last few months I've had been ok. Tired out, but not mad as hell.

But the last 2 days I've wanted to jump the counter and start smacking people with their food trays. I could make a large list of the things that have been ticking me off. But I'm just going to cut it down to 3 things.

Whinge 1: The T lady - This is a lady who works for a business up the road that begins with the letter 'T'. She's a cranky, self entitled, impatient, rude, demanding witch. If there are several people in the store waiting to be served, she will walk up and stand by the counter and expect we automatically push her to the front of the line. I used to place her bread order down in the bread rack with her order book on top for her to sign. However, this proved to be a wrong move. She decided then that because she had her bread already and didn't feel like waiting to tell us her order for the next day, she then had the right to come IN to our store BEHIND the counter and mess around IN OUR WAY whilst we attempted to carry hot drinks in a very confined space dodging 3 people (now made 4 due to her unwanted presence) to find OUR order book so she could write down her order and leave. Does this mean that we would be welcome in her store behind her counter without permission? I guess so. Maybe we should all mob down there one day and just walk in and see what she says.

So we decided we no longer would leave her bread or the order book where she could find it. Last Saturday she comes in and once again we were busy. Instead of waiting she rudely cuts everyone off and yells "HAVE YOU SOLD MY BREAD?!?!?!"

She's not doing herself any favours acting like that. We're just going to make things LESS convenient for her.

Whinge 2: Customers who don't listen. They are ordering from you and yet when you ask them questions they do not tell you the answer you want. This happens so often. You know they are not organised so you try to do it for them. They order one coffee and you can tell that they want more than one so you ask, "Are there going to be any more coffee's?". They respond "Yes, just a minute."
So you wait.
Then after waiting for a minute or so, they order a pie. I DID NOT ASK YOU IF YOU WERE ORDERING ANYTHING ELSE. I ASKED IF YOU WANTED ANY MORE COFFEES!!!!
So you say, "So, that's only one coffee then?" They look at you, blink (clearly not much going on up top) and say, "No. We want a cappuccino, too."
Hmm... Me thinks that's what me asked in the first place.

Or if they are at the sandwich bar and are ordering several sandwiches. You try to organise them so you can make them all at once. You ask them if they want butter them, they say yes and then proceed to tell you everything that's going to be on each sandwich. You stop them and explain that it's easier to make them all at once, and you will ask them as you go along. Next question, would they like any mayo or mustard? They say yes and then once again tell you all the fillings for each sandwich. It's not straight forward, either. They'll say it in the most confusing way possible.

Whinge 3: People who order a massive list of things and then whilst you're still preparing it ask "How much is that?"
Sure, if it were maybe 5 things we could add it up in our heads. But come on, we're talking 2 trays of goods here! Your order is up in the realms of 30 bucks plus!
We're using our brains to remember what you want and how you want it because you're so damn picky and change your mind so often (usually the moment you get it on the plate - don't act like you're sorry for the inconvenience, you're not. If you were you would just suck it up and eat the damn danish you ordered in the first place).

Alright, that'll do me.
I'm over people right now. >:o(


  • At 6/23/2009 10:08 pm, Blogger Miranda said…

    I should come to your work. Hopefully you would like my style of business... I order once I know what I want, say please, wait on my side of the counter, say thank you & leave. (Somewhere in there I pay you too - with the correct change where possible!)

    Dodgy customers suck - I remember that from my last job & I feel your pain.

  • At 6/24/2009 8:59 am, Blogger Chikory said…

    Yeah. I think you'd make an awesome customer by the sounds of that pleasant description of your organised and courteous transaction.

    I should've added in how annoying it is when customers give you the change so they get a whole note back and feel the need to inform you of that. The worst was yesterday when a guy gave the 10 cent piece and said "So you'll give me a dollar back instead of 90 cents".
    I felt like going, "Really? Is that how it works?" Jerk.

  • At 8/04/2010 10:57 pm, Blogger Chikory said…



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