Chikory's Epiphany Toilet

No epiphanies.  No toilets.  Just a whole lot of crap.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Ok, so it's been a while...

Ahoy there, mehartys! It's been a tad while since I've updated and the main reason for that abomination is the simple fact that - I don't have a lot to say/whinge about.
Not that I couldn't find something or anything, but Chikory is becoming slack in her old age. Yes, I still find customers annoying, I still see the negative long before I even begin to ponder the fact that there could be a positive in existence and I still have the ability to create a 10,000 word SA on the most asinine (I love that word) of subjects. Proof of the latter is that I'm doing it right now.

That being said I will get to the reason I popped by this cold winter morning. I have a shocking piece of information to share. So shocking that I don't know why E! Hasn't reported it first. I don't know why it isn't on the front page of every magazine at the supermarket checkout. Why aren't the likes of Today Tonight and A Current Affair using their "top-of-the-range" reporters to create 20 minute segments informing the public of this need-to-know life-altering astounding news?

Ok, I won't hold you in suspense any longer. I went to Dreamworld on Wednesday and naturally, made a bee-line for the Wiggles World. Upon entry Captain Feathersword appeared to greet me and my fellow posse member, Kim. I think Captain Feathersword is the greatest, but I was devastated to realise that Captain Feathersword has a PROBLEM! I have for you now photographic evidence.

Captain Feathersword
He looks reasonably healthy don't you think? Ok, so that expression gives the impression that maybe he's suffering from some form of mental turmoil. Or someone could just be standing on his foot... Whatever the reason, he needs a hug.

But now feast your eyes on this recent photograph of our very happy pirate...

Captain Feathersword - 13.05.09Folks, I am sorry to inform you that our dear friend Captain Feathersword has an eating disorder! Notice how he no longer fills out his black pirate pants and white frilly shirt? See his dejected stance as he walks away, feeling malnourished with a lack of energy, as if the world just isn't a happy place for pirates anymore? My heart goes out to Mr. Feathersword. I only hope he receives the help he needs.

So what can we do to help him? Send him letters, telling him how much we appreciate him in all his pirateness. Let's support our favourite pirate. Let him know he's not alone! Mr. Feathersword needs our help, people! Don't fail him now!

*I apologise for the crapocity of this post. But my head hasn't been working very well this week.


  • At 5/22/2009 9:42 pm, Anonymous Matt said…

    Chikory is BACKKKKKKKKKK!!!

  • At 5/30/2009 9:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    -.-. .... .. -.- --- .-. -.-- .----. ... . .--. .. .--. .... .- -. -.-- - --- .. .-.. . -

  • At 6/23/2009 6:03 pm, Blogger Chikory said…


    Is that your doing, Xem? You're lucky I was curious enough to waste my time deciphering that comment. :oP


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