Chikory's Epiphany Toilet

No epiphanies.  No toilets.  Just a whole lot of crap.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

A bunch of quizzes... What? I was bored.

70 Odd Questions

What is your middle name?

What color is yourrigh mailbox?

Are you single?
I share my brain with several other alter-egos. Sometimes we fight and that’s just not cool, man!

Have you ever hit a deer?
I don’t punch animals. Although if anyone has punched a shark in the nose I’d like to know if that’s effective or not. I suppose if you lived to tell the tale it is. If no one comes forward, how do we know if it’s because no one has done it, or someone has and it was an inadequate effort?

Do you have to drive over a bridge to get home?
That depends on where I’m coming home from. If I’m on the other side of a bridge I’d say yes. If not then I guess I have no choice but to say negative.

What color is your room?
Artistic Orchid (That’s a very light purple for all you noobs out there).

Do you have a small driveway?
No. How could this question possibly benefit humanity?

Do you know anyone with the same ringtone as you?

What do you do first in the morning?
Wake up.

What brand is your printer?
I have two. Epson and HP. Good things come in twos. Plus it’s always nice to have a friend.

Do you enjoy fighting with people?
I used to.

Is your hair naturally straight or curly?
Straight. BAH!

Who was your kindergarten teacher?
Kindergarten? I went to Pre-school, man! PRE-SCHOOL! Teacher Graeham and Mrs Vayro.

What is your ringtone?
The Muppets version of “manah manah” doo doo doo doo doo.

Are you taller than your mom?

What curse word do you say the most when your pissed?
Son of a diddley. Ned Flanders is an inspiration to us all.

Are you God?
Yeah… right… God has nothing better to do with his time than sit around answering inconsequential quizzes on the intermanet.

Do you like someone?
I like lots of people. Spread the love! Peace out.

Do you enjoy writing in colored pens?
… I don’t know. :or

Does anything hurt on your body right now?
I just feel sick in general.

Do you often cry during a movie?
NO! I’m offended at the implication! I’m tough! Tough people don’t cry! BAH!!!

Last phone call you received?
Honor, my boss. She wanted to know if I’d work someone’s afternoon shift. I said no ‘cause I had an appointment. So she said what about the morning instead of the afternoon? So I said that I could do that. Then she said she’d ring the person scheduled to work the morning shift and ask if they could do the afternoon one. She did that and then messaged me back to say it was all good. I know you didn’t ask for details but I gave them anyway! Cop that! I totally just absorbed precious seconds of your life like a super-porous sponge.

Last text message?

Do you hate your life?
I don’t like this question.

Do you get mad easily?
Yeah. On the inside. If there’s no one around I’ll rant to myself. Usually it’s when I’m in the car and someone is tail-gating me or just being an idiotic driver in general.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
Hmm… A tough one. My pets do many things that peeve me off. I’d have to say that when my dog, Josephine, goes to the toilet in the house it takes the cake.

Are you cold?
I’m pretty standard. Would you have rectified the situation if I’d said yes?

Do any of your friends have kids?
No. My acquaintances do, though......... Update 11:08pm, 07/03/08 - I am ashamed to admit that I forgot of my good friend, Mel's 2 children + 1 spawn. I deserve a good kick in the pants. So the real answer to that question is yes. Mel has children and she is my friend. I have a lot of kissing up to do now... Mel is cool! :o( I'm in so much trouble. *Eeep!* (bah)(STAB)

Do you know anyone that is pregnant right now?
Um… No.

Who should pay on the first date?
Don’t be slack, pay your own way.

How many years older than you are you willing to date?
As you get older an age gap doesn’t matter so much. However in my 20’s I wouldn’t want to date someone in their 40’s or 50’s. Heck, even their late 30’s. 35 would be the cut off point but even that’s pushing it… I’m not even interested in dating anyone right now so I deem this question insignificant.

Do you have any friends?
I have a few, yes.

Do you have any mean friends?

What is the ugliest color to wear in your opinion?
I’m thinking puke yellow or anything fluro for some reason.

Have you ever liked someone who all your friends hate?
I’ve liked someone my mum hates. :oP But she hates everyone so that’s not exactly a hard feat to achieve.

Have you ever felt like driving off a cliff, seriously?
Heck yeah! But I’d ruin my car and that’s just not on!

Have you ever contemplated suicide?
(Insert response here.)

Do you scratch your ears?
If my ear is itchy I guess I would scratch it. However it isn’t my day job or anything.

Who was the last person to hug you?

What brand are the pant/jeans you're wearing right now?
I’m in my jammies. I bought them from K-mart so they’re the now (made in China) Brand.

How tall are you?
I can’t be stuffed looking at my license. I’m like 156cm or something. I dunno… Damn it I’m going to have to go to great lengths and roll my chair a whole meter over to my bedside table to find out, aren’t I? Damn you question. Dammmmmn yoooooou. *Shakes fist menacingly at the computer screen.* 157cms. Happy now? Well? Are ya, punk?

What is the closest green object?
I was going to say my picture of a Pygmy Possum (They’re so cool). But I just noticed my green post-it notes (They’re just as cool).

If you were born the opposite sex, what would your parents name you?
I can’t say we’ve ever had a discussion where that’s come up…

Do you want to have kids?
Children are the spawn of evil! I was NEVER a child! Heh… No. I don’t plan on it. But if it happens it happens and I’ll deal with it.

What is the brightest color you're wearing?
I’m ashamed to admit that it would be pink…

Who is the friend you have that you would never have expected to have?

Who do you hate the most right now?
I don’t hate anyone. Hate consumes you and it’s pointless. I’m human though so I have an emense disliking towards some that I am working on… I don’t want to mention any names though *Cough* Oprah Winfrey *Cough*.

What kind of car do you want?
I love my Toyota Corolla Seca (97 model). If I had loads of money and was a better driver I’d get a 4 door BMW 323. Rav 4’s are okay. The Subaru Forrester, Impreza or even the Outback are alright. I don’t mind the new Mitsubishi Lancer. And I’m partial to the new Honda Civic. They‘re all quite nice. :o) So who is going to buy me one of those, eh?

What is your favorite video game?
Don’t play video games.

Do you like your dad?
My dad informs the society of their impending doom at the hands of George W. Bush and the evil Governmental forces in the United States. He does a public service. He religiously listens to Alex Jones on the radio every day and visits as often as he can. Salesmen meet their match when they approach him whilst he’s browsing in their store as they swiftly receive an update on the status of the Governments failings and how we need to fight against their attempts to stymie our freedom. He has a cupboard full of emergency food because supermarkets only have enough food to last everyone for 3 months in their warehouses when the black hour arises. He won’t consume anything that has been stored in a plastic container for fear it turns him gay. Long story short… He has his purpose. I just haven’t found out what that is yet.
Do you have any TV shows on DVD?
M*A*S*H, Fawlty Towers, Season 1 of A bit of Fry and Laurie and Season 1 of Monk.

Are you wearing make-up?

Do you have a tattoo?
Heck no!

Have you ever broken a pinata?

What time is it right now?

Do you know how to draw?
Ya huh.

Who loves orange soda?
I dunno. Gimmie a mo and I’ll Google it. Apparently someone named ‘Kel’ does. Wikipedia says: “Kel is just a regular teen who loves orange soda with a passion.” So there you have it.

Who did you last IM?
Ummmmmmm… Mel I think. But that was days ago so it’s hard to remember for sure.

Do you work a lot of hours?
In my opinion I do.

Where were you in the last 24 hours?
Home, down the Coast, the book study and up at Julien’s place.

Who was the last person that called you?
I’ve already answered this question you ninny!

Is there anything you regret?
Heaps of stuff.

Do you know where your family name originated from?

Is there an animal that creeps you out?

What is your favorite color ON A CAR?
I call it Seca green. It’s a metallic teal shade. Arial Teal! May the Bold be with you!™

Do you use digital or film cameras?
Film for me. I’ve not stepped into the 21st century in the photographic department yet. Unless you count the camera on my mobile phone?

Do you own an iPod?

Have you ever been on a charter bus?
Charter boat, what charter boat? Yeah.

Do you like going to water parks?
You’d get wet! And children are well known for being incontinent!


• A
Are you available?
For what?

Astrology sign?

• B
Do you know anyone named Brian?

When is your Birthday?
February 22, 1922 – Serious or not? You be the judge. :oP

Ever been stung by a bee?

• C
Whats your favorite candy?
Mmm… Candy. Maple leaves!

What color is your car?
White with a green stripe.

• D
Do you daydream?
I don’t know…

What's your favorite kind of dog?
Miniature poodle. So damn smart.

• E
Have you ever been in the emergency room?
I had to walk through there once because the main entrance to the hospital was closed due to it being after hours. Is that what you mean? Why am I asking questions and trying to get some sort of clarification as if I’m going to get an answer in return?

Ever pat an elephant?
A real one? No.

Ever swam with sharks?
Well anyone who goes in the ocean has technically swam with sharks.

• F
Do you use fly swatters?
I haven’t touched a fly swatter in years. I’m not at that level of insanity anymore… I know what I mean by that.

Is there a fan in your room?
Yes. It doesn’t seem to blow much wind anymore. I dunno what’s wrong with it. One day I will look into that problem.

Does the number four have any significance?
Apart from being an integral part of this question, no.

• G
Do you chew gum?

Do you like gory movies?
Used to. Not any more.

• H
How are you?
There’s room for improvement, thank you for asking. How are you?

What's your height

What color is your hair?

•Have you ever ice skated?

Ever been to Iowa?

• J
Favorite Jelly bean?

Do you wear jewelry?
Yes. But I’m not girly. So don’t be thinking that!!!

• K
Who do you want to kiss?
GERMS! LIKE, OHMOG! EW FACTOR +2000 point 2! (I like the number 2)

Have you ever flown a kite?
Heck yeah. We made kites in pre-school. It was fun! :o)

Do you think kangaroos are cute?
Yeah… Until they rip your side open in one swift ultra-impressive-ninja-like maneuver. They’d put Jack Bauer to shame.

• L
Are you laid back?
I don’t think so.

Lions or tigers?
I dedicate this response to Julien – Roar!

Do you like black licorice?
I’m not a fan of licorice. Red twizzlers are okay though.

• M
Favorite movie?
Back to the Future 2. 3 was ruined when they added the stupid “love” story line and that horrid Clara to the mix. I liked 1, but 2 is better because it pretty much combines them both. Can’t go wrong there. “Look! There’s a rhythmic ceremonial ritual coming up.”

• N
Do you prefer night or day?

Do you have a nickname?
Yes. I have several. Chik, Chikory, Radars and a few more.

• O
Are you an only child?

• P
Do you know anyone named Penelope?
Yeah. Supervisor from my Woolies days. Penny was what we called her, but it was short for Penelope.

Favorite flavor of popcorn?
Can’t go wrong with the original stuff.

• R
Do you think you're always right?

Do you watch reality tv?
Oh please! That stuff is for those of us who have attained a low IQ. (Incase of confusion I am saying no I most certainly do not.)

• S
Do you prefer sun or rain?
Both. Sun during the day, rain at night. I’m talking absolutely pissing down with rain.

Do you like snow?
LOVE the snow! :o)

• T
Time to go to sleep?
I dunno. Is it?

• U
Now I’m stumped.

• V
Did you ever watch Veggie tales?
I’m going to have to Google this one… I’m scared to think anyone watches that.

• W
What's your worst habit?
I don’t have time to ponder over my many faults and choose just one.

What do you want right now?
My sanity.

• X
Have you ever had an x-ray?

• Y
Do you like the color yellow?

Do you yell when you're angry?
No. I raise my voice and get very sarcastic.

• Z
Do you believe in Zodiac signs?
Total garbage.

Last dream?
It wasn’t nice! <:o(

Phone call?
to – Tamara.
from – Julien.

Last time you hugged?
Just before 7pm.

Last night?
Went to the book study. Not A book study, THE book study.

Last person you rode in a car with?
Tamara and Julien.


1. Was your last kiss a mistake?
Uh… ???

2. When was the last time you cried really, really hard?
I have a reputation to keep.

3. If the world was to end tomorrow, what would you be doing right now?
I’m not sure. Yelling ‘I told you so!’ to random people?

4. What was the last thing you heard?
BJ Thomas singing “Raindrops keep falling on my head. And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed. Nothing seems to fit. Those raindrops are falling on my head, they keep falling. So I did me some talking to the sun. And I said I didn’t like the way he got things done. Sleeping on the job, those raindrops are falling on my head, they keep falling. But there’s one thing, I know. The blues they send to meet me, won’t defeat me. It won’t be long till happiness steps up to greet me. Raindrops keep falling on my head. But that doesn’t mean my eyes will soon be turning red, crying’s not for me. ‘Cause I’m never gonna stop the rain by complaining. Because I’m free, nothing’s worrying me. It won’t be long till happiness steps up to greet me. Raindrops keep falling on my head. But that doesn’t mean my eyes will soon be turning red, crying’s not for me. ‘Cause I’m never gonna stop the rain by complaining. Because I’m freeeee, nothing’s worrying meeeeeee.” You didn’t ask for that but you got it anyway.

5. What is bothering you right now?
You’re not my psychiatrist, go away! Nosey Nate.

6. Do you think slavery was wrong?

7. Have you ever seen somebody get shot?
In real life? Not that I know of.

8. When was the last time you got into a physical fight?
I kicked Julien yesterday night. He was laughing inwardly at me and I knew it! Mind you kicking him only resulted in him laughing outwardly at me… :or I think I lost out.

9. Who do you tell everything to?

10. Have you ever taken a picture in a bathroom?
Bathroom or toilet? This is American so I am assuming you mean both seeing as they do not have separate rooms for each. I took several photos in the toilet with my mobile phone. We have pine boards half way up the walls and pine tends to have really cool patterns in the wood. They make pictures and I saw a duck, a bird, a turtle and a bear. So I had to get photo evidence. Trees are smart! They can draw!

11 is missing in action I presume?

12. Have you ever been called a 'slut' or 'manwhore'?
Ohmog! LMAOR! YES!

13. Where are you?
In front of ma pooter.

14. Does your head hurt?
I had a headache earlier, but it’s dissipated for now. It’ll be back though.

15. What's your favorite number?
2! But two twos are better than one. So I’m partial to the number 22, too.

16. Have you ever rented out a hotel room?
Can’t say I personally have. Mum and dad did. But I don’t think that counts, huh?

17. Have you ever injected a drug?
In to me? No. I did have to give my pigeon, Brownie, a drug through a needle. He got sick. Cost me 200 bucks to fix him up. He got all better though so it was well worth it! :o) He’s dead now. I miss my Brownie. :o( He was a great pigeon.

18. When was the last time you saw your Father?
2 hours ago I guess.

19. Name a lyric from the song you're listening to?
“And my only prayer is that you realize. You’ll always be beautiful, in my eyes.”

20. Do you use your friends?
Heck no! People who do that disgust me.

22. Do you fight with your parents often?
No, not often. I disagree with mum a lot, but I wouldn’t call it a fight.

23. Where is the shirt you're wearing from?
JayJays. I dunno if that’s two words or one. It’s one. Google saves the day again. :o)

24... Gone?

25. Have you ever been in a car accident?
Yes. I tapped a parked car once and broke my head light. Then I decided I’d take on a tree. It was only small so I thought it was bluffing when it said it’d stand up to the awesome power of my little seca’s boot. Turns out the tree wasn’t bluffing…

26. Do you have to check in with your parents before you go someplace?
Used to. It pisses mum off no end that I stopped.

27. The thing that was bothering you before, is it still bothering you?
Shut up! >:o(

28. How often do you shower?

29. Do you know anyone with cancer?
My pigeon, Sootie, has cancer. Branch and Fern (two other pigeons of mine) had cancer. Bauer, and 2 of ma wee girls (my mice) had cancer.

30. Do you have any picture frames in your room?
Yes. 6. They all have animals in them. I thought I had 1 photo with my siblings in it. But I just looked and it seems it is not there anymore.

31. Where did you spend Christmas?
At home. Christmas is just another day to me.

32. Ever smoked a cigarette?

33. Do you think the whole day is better if you smoke pot?

34. Has anyone ever saved your life?
My daddy. I almost drowned when I was a wee lass.

35. The screen name you have now, was it your first screen name?
No. But I’ve had it for quite some time now. It has a lot of history.

36. Do you get good grades?
I have 2 toys sitting on my printer. A horse and a cow. The horse is named Spartacus. The Cow is named Moo. She’s my moo cow.

38. Do you know a secret about anybody?
Yeah. It’s not really a secret, though. It’s more like private information.

39. Who cooks dinner in your home?
I'm unable to use the stove/oven at home. It’s a long story. Basically I live off of rice crackers and corn chips when I am here. My parents are insane. I live in an asylum. Please send me money.

40. Did you ever go to a special learning center.
I never took the short bus, no.

41. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?

42. Does a kiss make you feel better?
Part of me says yes. The rest of me says, “EW! NO! That’s for sissys!”

43. Have you ever passed out on the bathroom floor?
No. I did go to sleep on the bathroom floor once, though. I had to go to the toilet when I was little. Everyone else was asleep so I didn’t turn the light on. I got lost on my way back, gave up and decided to sleep where I was. After a while I got cold and realised which room I was in due to the fact the floor was still cement (house wasn’t finished yet), so I used my noggin and found my way back to my bed. You’re all so much smarter for knowing that. I bet you feel it, too.

44. Do you start the water before you get in the shower or when you get in?
Before. I’m not down with becoming an icicle.

45. What did you do today?
Woke up. Went on the pooter. Fed the pigeons, changed their water, broke up a fight between Wilf and Chester (pigeons). Lectured Chester and told him to behave and show some maturity. Talked to Chelsea (ring-neck dove) because she got flattened when Chester and Wilf were fighting. Let Clive out of his cage for a while (rat). Fed the boys and girls (mice). Told off the bush turkey for jumping on Clives cage and trying to get his food. Commanded Josephine (dog) to chase said turkey away. Fed dog and gave her her heart worm tablet and schmacko. Got ready, went down the coast. Headed up to Julien’s place and bought a chicken frame, a drink for his pa and some snow peas on the way. Made some of Veronica’s lime delicious, coconut sago with chocolate on top and snow pea and almond stir fry with Tamara’s Galangal sauce for their dinner. Hung out with Julien. Went home. Watched Gross Misconduct. Checked out Myspace. Saw a heap of quizzes Cholly did and decided I’d do them all and post them on my website. I’m up to question 45. Like you didn’t know that already.

46. have you ever brushed your teeth while in the shower?
Can’t say I have. I have a set routine and there’s a time and a place for everything. The shower is neither the time nor the place.

47. Have you ever thought about your death?
In what sense?

48. Would you rather be in a permanent relationship or play the field?
Well I’d rather be my own person and have no manbag at all. But if they were my only two choices I’d say permanent relationship.

50. How long ago did you hug someone?
5 hours.

51. Do you like the Red Sox or Yankees?
I don’t like partaking or watching physical activity unless there is an opportunity to laugh and be ultra sarcastic… Now go and read my State of Origin recaps.

53. Have you ever given money to a homeless person?
Yes. In New York City.

54. Have you ever run over an animal?
Ohmog! Yes! <:o( A little bird. It ran out in the road at night and I couldn’t avoid it. I went back and picked it up and held it until it died, though. Then I gave it a proper burial at home. I’ve also run over toads, and I always feel bad about it. The car goes ba-doonk as it goes over their little bodies. I do try very hard to avoid them. I’ve hit insects, too. Mostly moths at night in my car.

55. Whats your favorite cereal?
Don’t really have one. I tend to only get the very very rare craving for museli, wheat bix, rice bubbles or corn flakes. And let me stress that it is VERY rare indeed.

56. Have you ever had an Oreo with peanut butter?
No. No I have not. FAAAAAAAAT!!!

57. What are you doing today?
I have a list…Data entry, wash car, ironing, medical directive, talk – due 11/03/08, go through food cupboard (already done part of that), clean room, de-mould things (we’ve had a lot of rain), re-print snow pea and almond recipe and fix the coriander bit, fix the lemon juice part and re-print Tamara’s galangal sauce recipe, food shopping list, washing, prepare to watch a movie full of those evil primates. I don’t know how much of that I’ll actually do.

58. Where’s your favorite place to be?
A quiet forest with a nice creek and lots of things to look at.

59. What's your favorite song?
The Rubberband Man by The Spinners. (7 minute version)

60. Are you more of a coffee or tea drinker?
Coffee is yuck. I’ll take caffeine-free tea.

What happened to 61? Send out a search party! Quick!

62. Have you ever climbed up a water tower?
Not that I recall.

63. Have you ever been arrested?
Ha ha! No.

64. Do you dream in black and white?
I seldom recall my dreams.

65. Do you talk in your sleep?
yep and i walk and i also chronically drool <--LOLR Chloe! I have yelled out before. Don’t know about talking though. You’re sleeping. How the hell are you meant to know?

67. Are you a redneck?
… :or No.

68. Funniest thing you heard?
Wouldn’t say it’s the funniest, but a funny thing I can recall off the top of my head is mum yelling hysterically that her computer had a worm. So after a few minutes of trying to ignore her I decided to go and assist because it was clear she wasn’t going to let up. I go up there and on the computer screen is a picture of a worm with big bug eyes and the words “Armageddon Worms”. She thought she had a virus. All it was was a computer game my brother had installed. She accidentally clicked on it while trying to go into Internet Explorer. Heh… It’s funny because mum absolutely panics at the smallest thing.

69. Last time you had butterfly's in your stomach?
Can’t recall.

70. what u afraid of?
Angry people. I must constantly scare myself.

71. Can you recite the alphabet backwards?
Yeah. But I may have to pause to think a couple of times.

72. Need to get something off your chest?
No. My clothing is staying right where it is thank-you-very-much!

73. How do you feel about life right now?
Go away, you… you… YOU!
You can’t call me that! (Random M*A*S*H quote)


What's on your mind?
Don’t know.

Where is your biological father right now?
Upstairs looking up conspiracy theories on the Internet.

Have you ever made out in a basement?

Do you have any piercings?

Do you have any tattoos.

Is your driveway steep?
Not really. Unless you’re really old. Then I guess it is. Caution – Slippery when wet.

Name four things you did today?
1. Animal maintenance.
2. Went to an appointment.
3. Cooked.
4. These quizzes.

Have you ever been tied up?
No. Thank goodness.

Last person you texted?

Have you ever had two dates in one night?

What have you eaten today?
Whole wheat rice crackers, brazil nuts, cashews, some dates and corn chips. Taste tested some lime delicious and coconut sago. Then chicken, snow pea and almond stir fry for dinner.

Which shoe do you put on first?
Either. I’ve no set routine for that.

Do you get distracted easily?

What's the last text you received say?
“Yeah, I can try that, ta. Pa's home now, so u can come at such a time as there is time 2 do ur cookin n make tea.”

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed at night?
Have a drink of water.

Have you ever kissed anyone named Amanda?
Heh... The person who wrote this quiz probably only intended it for their immediate friends. They’re significant other’s name is Amanda. They’re unsure whether or not they are being cheated on. So they added this question in. If anyone e-mailed it back and said ‘yes’ they’d know whether or not concern would be warranted. Paranoid much?

First time you kissed the last person you kissed?
Mum… Like, ages ago. I don’t remember that far back.

What was your childhood nickname?
(Censored due to intense paranoia.)

What would you change about your life right now?
New abode.

How do you feel about public displays of affection?
It’s so wrong that it’s not right.

Have you ever bitten your nails?
Can’t say I have.

Do you live alone?
Unfortunately no.

Do you like someone right now?
Pffft. Rack off.

Can you keep a secret?
Yes. I don’t view it as keeping secrets. It’s more like keeping my word.

What was the best year of your life?
Shoot. I don’t know. I think my best year is yet to come. But I can say that the last 2 have been better than the rest. :o)

Do you have any strange phobias?
HAHAHAHAHA!!! Phobia queen here! Heh… I’ll just list a few.
A certain topic and everything relating to it (I shan’t be disclosing that information).
Illiterate people.
People touching my face.
Laying flat on my back with my legs stretched out straight.
Using strange toilet facilities.
Using strange showers.
Eating in front of people I don’t really know.
Drinking wine in front of people.
Putting things in my mouth with people watching.
People touching me that I don’t know very well.
Blowing my nose in public.

Your favourite romantic movie is?
I’m not down with that brain-dead rubbish.

Are you happy with your living arrangement?

Have you ever played Twister?
Yes. I didn’t like it. I will never play it again. I am choosing to erase that memory now that I have recalled it.

Have you ever been drunk at school?
Only on apple juice.

Last thing received in the mail?
A form from Centrestink.

Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with a F?

Do you have trust issues?

Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot?
I wouldn’t say a lot. But I do use them to portray an emotion.

Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles?
No. It’s all sticky underneath and that just results in a dirty, ghastly-presented water bottle and a sticky hand.

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

Are you a cuddler?
I can be hugged, yes. Depends on who is offering the hug though.

What was the last advice you gave someone?
I suggested that Julien get some lavender and put it next to his pillow at night because he is having trouble sleeping.

Have you ever hurt anyone when you were mad?
:o( Yes! I’m sorry, Julien!!! Although I wasn’t full-blown mad. But I wasn’t pleased. Dictionaries are bad. Stay away from them! They’re a health risk! There should be a national awareness campaign. I’m serious!

Is it easier to forgive or forget?
Forgive. The human brain seldom 100% forgets anything.

Do you give out second chances too easily?

What is the most important thing to you in any relationship?
Trust and ironing capabilities.

Do you have a best friend?
Yes! I think I do. :oD

Are you happy for your last ex?
There’s no ex to be neither happy nor sad for.

Would you live with someone without marrying them?
Not on your Nelly!

Have you ever had plans and broke them?
I’m a very careful planner. I plan every step of the day. I like to know where I’m going, what I’m doing, when I’m doing and an estimate of how long it is going to take. It tends to be someone else who breaks those plans and that sends me totally whacko.

Do you have a friend of the opposite sex that you talk to 24/7?
I don’t think it’s possible to talk to someone 24/7. It would be expensive, very time consuming, and you have to sleep at some point. Someone I talk to frequently is Julien.

Do you remember what you were like a year ago?
A menace to society and Internet users world wide.

Who was the last person you cried in front of?

Who was the last person you had a sleepover with?
Veronica. She’s so cool!


  • At 3/06/2008 2:20 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    woooooooooohoooooooooo first to post.... hehe hey chikory... cool post... hope things are going well... i hardly ever see you on msn anymore :(

  • At 3/08/2008 3:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That's because she just doesn't like u matt...leave her be damnit. It's called stalking u know!!!

  • At 3/08/2008 3:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "Who is the friend you have that you would never have expected to have?




  • At 3/10/2008 10:19 pm, Blogger Chikory said…

    You know what? That's true. We used to fight like... well, two people that fought a lot. That being said, you're just not worth a mention, Xem. My cool factor would go down considerably if I were to admit to being your friend. Acquaintance maybe. But friend? I'd shoot down to negative 200! Oh the shame it would bring!

    ZOMG! U SO PWNT GURLFREND!!!!!!111 LOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    Stop picking on Matt. He's cool. I don’t come online because you’re there and I don’t want you bugging me!

    ZOMG!!!11 U SO PWNT AGAIN!!!! LOLS! PWNT X 2!!!!!11

    In your face Xemmy boy! :o)

  • At 3/12/2008 3:55 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "Who was the last person you cried in front of?


    You don't cry, you make people cry, stop's a sin!

    A secret fo' u....that is the first of your LONGER ( like if u ever have short bloggs ) that I read all the way. I sure hope u sent that quiz back to the author.

  • At 3/13/2008 7:48 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What's your point Mr. X?

  • At 4/20/2009 9:02 pm, Blogger Miranda said…

    Actually at the time you blogged this I was still pregnant!


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