Chikory's Epiphany Toilet

No epiphanies.  No toilets.  Just a whole lot of crap.

Monday, January 14, 2008

'Ello. 'Ello. 'Ello...

Whad da we ave ere now then? A post from madame Chikory? Well blow me down, I thought she'd gone and left us all!

Rubbish attempt at being an olde British officer of the law! Oh well. E for effort.

Anyway! Why am I rearing my head again on the world wide interwebs you might be wondering? Well I have a few things I wish to say and one person in particular I wish to address. I'll start with that.

Anonymous: I'm sorry you think my website is boring. Let me point out to you a very obvious (at least to most people with any intellect) fact. All people have different tastes. If we all liked the same things then the world would be totally boring and people would be constantly fighting over stuff (not that they aren't already, but I'm sure it'd be worse). That being said allow me to make a suggestion. Begin working on something called 'acceptance'. It's not an easy thing to master, but when you do you'll be mighty proud and a better person for it.
See people out there are always going to do or say things we either don't like or don't agree with. If we were to let those things get to us then...
A) We aren't very empowered because we're then placing our happiness/emotional well-being in other peoples' hands.
& B) We're always going to be pissed off at something or someone and that's no state to be in.

Other people unfortunately have the right to behave any way they see fit. It may not be right and you may not agree with it, but the freedom we were given to make our own choices and not be machines bestows that right upon us. So instead of getting all disgruntled and "rocking the boat" or trying to force someone to walk the plank, we simply acknowledge the fact we dislike it, and then accept their right to behave in such a way and move on.
How's that slice of pie?

Now in regards to my humble interweb abode the way I see it is that you have 2 options. You can not bother to come here any more. Or you can relish the opportunity handed to you by me on two occasions now. You know what I'm talking about.


Enough about that dude. Now on to some serious stuff.
Damn them. My alfalfa sprouts aren't due to expire until the 19th of January. On the outside they looked okay. But when I got home and opened up the package I discovered that they were as soggy as a worm in a puddle of water. Do worms get soggy? I dunno. But they were wet as. So now I'm a tad disgruntled.


It cost me 47 bucks to fill my tank with petrol. 1.31 a litre! What the heck? Eh? EH? Day light robbery... although I filled up at night. So I guess it's your usual run-of-the-mill night time robbery. Meh...


I have a job interview tomorrow for a receptionist position. I really would like to get into some data entry or admin work. Something involving less people. But I figure I'll be cautiously optimistic and scope the place out. It might not be so bad. The lady that answered the phone was really polite, so that's a good start I think.


How's this writers' strike going? I want House back! Matt AKA GVG, give us the goss will ya? I wanna be kept in the loop! Dang it!


As some of you may know I have gone all healthy and stuff. I don't eat gluten, I don't consume dairy, I cut back on sugar, don't touch caffeine, eat only organic stuff where ever possible and I certainly don't touch any additives or preservatives. Some think that makes for a pretty boring diet. But I concur! If anything it's better and more exciting. Just about any recipe can be transformed to fit in with these strict dietary guidelines. It opens the door to creativity. And I'm actually enjoying it. Sure I miss cheese and candy and bread. But now I have excellent self control, and the best part, I went from a size 16-18 down to a size 8. :o) YAY!
Anyway, what I intend on doing at some point is creating a section here at The Epiphany Toilet for recipes I have edited and handy tips.

That'll do.


  • At 1/20/2008 3:55 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think that was a very mature reply to Anonymous, Chikory.

  • At 1/25/2008 7:39 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanks, Julien. :o)

    I got it wrong by the way. You don't click other. It used to be other but now it's nickname. You would've worked it out though. You're a smartie. *Chomp*

  • At 3/05/2008 12:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    radarsssss.. it's mee tony from the zone. someone told me you had a blog. i love it! get on sometime soon so we can talk!


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