Chikory's Epiphany Toilet

No epiphanies.  No toilets.  Just a whole lot of crap.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Leave my elevator alone!

You know, I think I've had a post by this name before. But I thought one of my favourite movie quotes (From Blast From the Past) fitted really well. You'll see why when you read on and follow the links...

I couldn't let such comedy gold fall into my lap and just pass it by. My brother sent this link today assuring me I'd "laugh my ass off". I don't have a donkey, but I figured I'd give it a quick look see regardless. Click here for the direct youtube link, just in case the newspaper url changes at some point. I can't be expected to keep track of these things, so I'm just covering all bases.
There's some bad language, but it's no worse than what you get on TV or in movies. You can't say you weren't warned.
Also, see this dude taking the piss out of the emo moron.

In other news. Kevin Rudd has totally ignored my friend request on myspace. I'm hurt. Seriously. I'm deeply hurt. On the inside. If I voted I'd totally be John Howard all the way!* There's no fury like a Chikory scorned.
I wouldn't mind but I only wanted to leave him a comment in an attempt to help his campaign along. His cool points are under serious threat by having Tom as his friend. I mean, that's like having a huge neon nerd sign constantly hanging above your head. He needs to be informed! How about we all ban together to get this message across? Otherwise things could get disastrous.

Peace out ma homeboys.

*Just a quick note to let you all know I don't particularly care for Kevin Rudd. I don't care for hands-in-your-pocket Howard, either. Vote. Don't vote. What do I care.


  • At 9/14/2007 10:50 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hmmm, maybe it's time Kevin Rudd got some internet payback. I wonder how he would feel about being the topic of complaint on MySpace, YouTube, craiglist, etc. It would be interesting to see what would happen if it appeared that a lot of people were complaining about him on the net --so much so that if you googled Kevin Rudd all you would get is complaints. I can see it now, Mr. Rudd standing at the podium, giving a concession speech in front of all his weepy eyed campaign supporters, saying: " If only I had added Chikory O'Riley to my friend's list on MySpace… I'd be your Prime Minister."


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