Chikory's Epiphany Toilet

No epiphanies.  No toilets.  Just a whole lot of crap.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

I declare war upon Windows Live.

>:o( See that face? That's the face of complete and utter disgruntlement! I'm pissed as. Yesterday morning I was FORCED to update from MSN 7.0 to Windows Live. I hate Windows Live. For months they've been asking me if I'd like to download the latest version, and each time my answer has been exactly the same; NO! So now they've pulled a swifty and not given me the option. I couldn't sign on until I complied with their Nazi demands.

Not.Happy.Jan! >:o(

It seems that whenever Microsoft updates a program their main objective is to create a much more frustrating, non-beneficial version. It's like they all sit in their office plotting.
"We've received complaints that this program doesn't actually work very well. It apparently gives the user error messages when they try to perform functions the program is supposed to be able to comply with."
"What? Don't waste my time with that! How can we make it more annoying?"
"Oh! I know! Let's move the button to close the window somewhere else. That'll confuse them."
"Very good, Bob. You get a pay rise."
"And how about we ask the user if they want to download a bunch of partner programs, and even if they say no just do it anyway?"
"EXCELLENT! Bob, you're fired. Fred, you get his pay rise."

I bet that's what they do. Seriously. I'm 98.8% convinced of it. It's a conspiracy!

So I have this absolutely retarded version of MSN stuck on my computer like a virus. Then again, I'm using Windows, so it's more like an extremely minor sniffle in comparison. I absolutely hate the graphical interface. It's drab and depressing. I don't handle change, so that's another reason I'm hating it. The snot green online user man and the grey depressing fading man for offline is just... well, it's damn depressing! That's what it is. Depressing!
It's slow. A lot slower than 7.0 was. Half the time it doesn't function. But then again, that's their aim so I guess they did their job.
And my biggest peeve by far is the fact that it created a folder on C drive called "My sharing folder".

A) I don't intend on sharing anything with anyone.
B) I'm no Communist! Obviously Microsoft wants us all to be though. And I wouldn't mind, but if the program actually communicated with itself it would know that I don't wish to partake in their new age Hippie mumbo jumbo. I said "No" to file sharing. N.O. I ticked the little box. Why create a folder when it's already been decided that's it's not going to be required?
& C) I don't appreciate having things on ma pooter that I can't rename or delete if I should feel inclined.

I hate being told what to do on my own pooter by a freakin' program! I gave the bums feedback, which they'll probably ignore. But I'm totally planning on switching back to Yahoo.

It's probably not worth getting so angry about. But I'll get over it. It's just no good to bottle it up inside, no matter how puny and insignificant it seems. As Joy's mum from My Name is Earl says, "Don't you judge me!" Heh. Great show.


  • At 9/17/2007 8:19 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    lolr... that was one of the best episodes of My Name Is Earl... I loved how Joy kept telling Earl "Don't judge me!" after blowing money gambling. That was classic. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for all the partner programs MSN tries to push on people.

  • At 10/16/2007 1:48 pm, Blogger Rollerman said…

    Hello, there!
    I soo agree with what you are talking about...
    I'purchased new dell with windows Vista and had to go through a lot of greevance becouse I could not use many of the programs I had on the old PC.
    So I end up buying new programs or getting them from coworkers and friends.

  • At 10/17/2007 10:17 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    A conspiracy if I ever saw one.

    How're you going, Roller? Long time no hear from. What's new up on the mount?

  • At 10/23/2007 12:27 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well, I've skated in the NYC Marathon, and have never stop ever since!
    Which so far the best aI can do, as far as taking care of myself, and keep myself in some kind of shape!
    Othervise, my life is as good as it ]ets, one day at a time!
    If you know what I am talking about...some how, I think you do...


  • At 12/16/2007 1:05 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Chikory... what's up? Can't believe it's been three months since your last post. Hope things are going well and you find time to post again.
    ~Happy Holidays~


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