Chikory's Epiphany Toilet

No epiphanies.  No toilets.  Just a whole lot of crap.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Sharp pointy objects, the zoo, and the inhabitants of my hometown...

It's been yonks since I posted last. So I figured I'd better get my slack behind into gear and say something useful. I have a couple of topics to cover. So I'll just get on with it.

Bogans. They're everywhere. They're like a super-human breed of idiots. They go through life blissfully unaware of their total loser status and hold their heads high as they walk down the streets donning a dirty un-ironed pair of tracksuit pants, and baggy T-shirt full of holes. Disgusting.
Anyway, my point. I'm outside Woolies the other day waiting for my posse when I spy 2 notorious creepy bogans getting excited over a little piece of paper. It didn't take me long to realise that the paper in question was none other than a scratchy ticket. Seems they'd already gone through 2 tickets, and this was to be their last chance. So the one with the beard exclaims, "This is the one! It's this one! I know it!"
He hands it to his friend, who then scratches away half and returns it awaiting the outcome. Still jittering on about how lucky they were going to be, the one with the beard scratches off the final few panels.With a sigh the bearded man concedes, "You know what? It's not the one."

And then an argument starts because they were both out of money. I then watched the one with the beard search the drains and the gutters for any change. How sad an existence that must be. And people wonder why I hate going down town on my own.

Next up, Chikory had to get a needle. :o( Total boo hoo fest. I hate needles. They're awful things. That big sharp pointy object stabbing itself into your flesh and then siphoning your blood. Ewwww. Gives me the hebee geebies. Anywho. I had to get some blood drawn for some tests. It was my choice, so I guess I shouldn't be complaining. I've always had a fear of the thing braking off inside of me or something. I know it's not going to happen, but we all have some fears that are irrational; that's mine.
So the lady stabs me with the intruding object's proboscis and gets the first vial done. Then she pops in the second one, but it only fills half way. She pokes my arm a bit. Nothing. So she tightens the tie around my upper arm. Nothing. Then she loosens it. Still nothing. So she pushes the needle in further (OUCH!) and still nothing! It was like I ran out of blood or something. Or maybe I just didn't want to give up my blood. That's plausible. I'm stubborn, so why can't my blood be, too?1 and a half vials had to do. I hope they had enough, because I'm not going back to have that done again.

Now for the zoo recap. Yes, calm down. I know you've all been eagerly anticipating it... Well, truth be known Mel was the only one who said she was looking forward to it.
Alma Park Zoo. It wasn't a bad place. They have killer insects there. Their mosquitoes don't dawdle around. They get straight down to business within seconds. Disgusting evil creatures.

EmooThere was the most butt kicking emoo (emu). It came right up to the fence, looked at me, and was about to walk away. So I bowed my head at it. To birds this tells the other one that you believe it to be the more dominant. It had the funniest expression. It did this double take and looked totally astounded that it had somehow won over this human. So it turned back to the fence and started puffing itself up like it was something great. I liked that emoo. It had personality.

OstrichWe saw a couple of ostriches. Julien was scared of them because they were so big. I knew they couldn't get you through, or over the fence. But he wasn't convinced. Understandable I suppose. They were pretty darn big.

There was a cool wombat. He was fast asleep when we got there. So cute.

Monkeys... I hate monkeys. Gross disgusting filthy excuses for primates. I class these with bogans. I HATE MONKEYS... and cats. But mostly monkeys!

DingoIf the fence weren't there, this dingo would've eaten us for sure. How nice does it look? It's got really good features, and I could tell it had character. I like animals with character. That's probably why I hate cats. But I really REALLY hate monkeys.

Water HenThe baby water hens didn't turn out real good. They were moving too fast. They came over to say hello and see if there was any food. Then the mother saw what they were doing and charged over to yell at us. She came right up to me and tried to eat my ring. Didn't work, lucky for her.

Click here to see the rest of the photos. No huge story to tell with these, so I shall now leave you with a short informative sentence.

I do not like monkeys at all!!!


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