Chikory's Epiphany Toilet

No epiphanies.  No toilets.  Just a whole lot of crap.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

I'm still alive and kicking...

Ohmog! Chikory totally did something new today... She ate LIVER!

I've been dissing it and saying it's gross and stuff. But in actual fact I'd never tried it. So today I conceded, and decided I'd try a small portion so that I could at least feel justified in saying it was a truly evil substance that shouldn't be allowed anywhere near my taste buds. But I was pleasantly surprised. Well... Maybe pleasant is the wrong word to use. But I did find it quite tasteless. So I ate the whole piece that was given me (No a word is not missing, that's old English), and now am only justified in saying that liver stinks. That much is true. It does stink. But it doesn't taste disgusting.

Anyway. I'm going to the zoo next week. So I'll be sure to find a camera and take some pictures. If not, I'll definitely put a recap up sometime within the next month.

In other unrelated news, check this out. It's good for a laugh... or a headache. Napoleon would like it, I'm sure. So if you're reading this, Hambo, pass it on to her with my love. Mwah ha ha ha!

Until we meet again. This is your host Chikory, signing out.


  • At 5/04/2007 12:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Chikory, please excuse Matthew from commenting on your blog today. He has been experiencing my grain headaches and will out of town April 28 - April 31 while the doctor puts him to sleep.

  • At 5/08/2007 5:25 pm, Blogger Chikory said…

    That's okay, Matt. Sorry it took me so long to approve your comment. Hope you're okay. :o( Migraines are a pain in the rectal recreational area!

    Hope to get on msn one day when you're around so we can catch up! I miss life without the net. It really bites. Fortunately I have some nice people who allow me the use of theirs.

    Caused any trouble at The Shack lately? And how's life at Nidink?

    Give Xem a kick in the pants for me.

    Toodles! :o)


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