Chikory's Epiphany Toilet

No epiphanies.  No toilets.  Just a whole lot of crap.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Supermarket 101

It's a must read for anyone who enters a supermarket. Supermarket 101 is out there, ready to educate all those little shoppers on how to do it right. I don't care if you say you've been shopping for 30 plus years. Until you've worked the supermarket scene, you don't know squat about the correct way to do your food shopping.

Thank goodness
this person has come to save the day. Educating everyone (not just Australia wide, but world wide) on the dos and don'ts of this everyday procedure; grocery shopping.

I implore you all to read and heed the wise words of this fellow blogger. If you don't... Well then you're just being arrogant. But before you make that decision, think about it this way -
The next time you stand there whinging that the checkout operator is taking too long, remember that they can go even slower.
Whinging that the lines are too long? Well, the supervisor can always choose to send half the staff on a tea break.
Complaining an item isn't in stock and rudely insist that a staff member go out the back and locate it for you? Well, it's safe to say that you won't be seeing them again for at least 5 minutes.

It may be wrong, but it's how people respond to that sort of thing. Smile, you get a smile back. Frown, you get a frown back. It's a two way street.

Now stop reading this and go and educate yourself on how to shop right!


  • At 4/21/2007 9:26 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The following was conversation was recently overheard at undisclosed Woolworth's store.

    Statler: "This line is too long!"
    Waldorf: "Boo!"
    Statler: "This is the slowest line ever!"
    Waldorf: "It can't get any worse!"
    Statler: "This cashier sucks!"
    PA Announcement: "Staff tea break in five minutes!"
    Waldorf: "It could be worse!"
    Statler: "Well, at least we aren't in that line."
    Waldorf: "This cashier is ok"
    Statler: "I still don't like her."
    Waldorf: "She's better than most!"
    Statler: "Yeah, she's pretty good!"
    At the register:
    Waldorf: "She's pretty fast!"
    Statler: "She's the best!"
    Waldorf: "She ROCKS!"
    Statler: "Yeah! ROCKS!"
    Waldorf: "YEAH!"

  • At 4/21/2007 9:40 am, Blogger Chikory said…

    Very creative :o)


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