Chikory's Epiphany Toilet

No epiphanies.  No toilets.  Just a whole lot of crap.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Stuff... Whatever. I don't care.

I wish I'd added this link to this post, but alas I forgot I even had it. I was going through the links page on my website, and just re-visiting old sites that I found amusing. Because damn it, I needed a laugh! As the story of my life goes, I didn't really get one. All I was rewarded with were lols*.

I had a charming dentist appointment this afternoon. I hate waiting rooms. They give me the @#&%s. It wasn't very full today, which was nice. But still, on my departure I discovered that one of the rings on the bottom braces wasn't put on properly and had popped off. Like hell I was going back in, so I just left it as is. I have another appointment in a few weeks, so it's no real drama anyway. I just didn't want to have to go back. I did my time in public for the day.

Anyway, the purpose of this post was to disperse to you all some pictures I found on (and one was sent to me via Xem. It's the microsoft word one).

*Mel and I have a system, due to the fact that retards tend to over-use the acronym 'lol' . So what we do is classify each lol.
lolf - fake
lolr - real
lols - smirk
loli - laughing on the inside
And so on, and so forth.


  • At 4/09/2007 10:42 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanx for the cred on the word pic, it so kicks a**!

    LMAOr!!!! " Writte letters YO "


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