Chikory's Epiphany Toilet

No epiphanies.  No toilets.  Just a whole lot of crap.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Just a bit of ranting. Why? Because I can!

I'm about 6 months late on this post. So Mel, I apologise for my tardiness.

Last year when I was at Mel's place, she was a triffle miffed over a recent bill she received from Optus (see figure A below). It seems that when you're a customer of Optus, and decide to do the right thing by paying your bill on time, you get punished.
That's right. Optus totally owns you for this callous act!
Notice the fee? 50 cents you get charged for going out of your way to manually pay the bill over the counter. We're not talking the luxury of automatic bank withdrawals here. We're talking good old fashioned, non-lazy, get off your backside and physically pay that bill in person.
All I can do is take a page from Derryn Hinch's book... No, I'm not making Fiber my friend (Hehehe, I love those ads. And I can't believe they ditched Derryn! Heartless bastards.), but I am going to shake my head, frown and say, "Shame, shame, shame".

Figure A - The Evil Optus Bill
Figure A.

Remember me?  Heck no!Next on the agenda is Blogger. It's seriously giving me the bum's rush*! Notice the option "remember me"? Well, you'd think seeing as someone went to all the trouble of adding that option to the page, that it'd, you know, work! I tick that box every time I log in, secretly hoping that it may be functioning correctly this time. But alas, no. It is not to be.
Call me lazy, but I hate having to sign in every damn time I want to post something, or moderate comments (Thank you Scabloby).

And last but not least, MSN. Anyone in Australia noticed that ad for a vaccination for cervical cancer? Part way through the ad, you see this woman's face:
Annoying woman from MSN ad
I don't know about the rest of you, but her face really gets on my nerves. Don't get me wrong, it's not because of her looks or anything, but more so the fact that the photographer/editor has blacked out the gap between her lips. It looks like she has no teeth, and this seriously bugs the hell out of me.

GAH! Anger management much?
Anyway... Input!

*Ta, Ron. You gave input, and you didn't even know it. :o)


  • At 4/09/2007 10:58 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yeah she does look like an alien. U r just waiting for the smaller head of the big alien to pop out of her mouth. " kill me "

    That remember me always scares me, since u hear that phrase in scary movies like " remember me, I killed your dog " *shivers*

    And damn the companies for billing mel out of her las 50cents, how will she eat now?!

  • At 4/09/2007 1:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Chikory... I totally agree with you about that picture. It's bizarre. Are they trying to subliminally imply a link between cervical cancer and tooth loss? The black gap is so strange and obviously intentional. And if it hasn't already been said, let me be the first to say that Optus SUCKS. I'm going to officially start boycotting them... just as soon as I figure out what they do.

  • At 4/20/2007 10:59 pm, Blogger Hambo said…

    Clause 17.9 of the "OPTUS LOCAL DIRECT SERVICE
    STANDARD PRICING TABLE (CONSUMER)" document found at this link details the following...

    If you pay your account at an Australia Post outlet, you will be charged an account processing fee of $0.55.

    So if Mel used B-Pay, she would have that extra 55 cents to spend.

    Basically, its just a simple case of Aussie Post charging Optus for dealing with their bills, and Optus then seeking some "compensation" from the customer that decides to use Aussie Post.

    As evil as Optus is, they are not as evil as the postal service.

  • At 4/21/2007 7:37 am, Blogger Chikory said…

    Ahh, detective Hambo. What would we do without you?

    Thanks for that. I'll pass that on to Mel.

    And it's good to know that the Post Office is involved in this. Do you know what that means, though? That means it's a conspiracy! I should tell my dad about it. He'd e-mail and demand they tell the world! Because the world needs to know of this injustice. NEEDS TO KNOW!


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