Chikory's Epiphany Toilet

No epiphanies.  No toilets.  Just a whole lot of crap.

Friday, April 20, 2007

17 days too late...

My goodness I'm slow. I just realised that as of the 3rd of this month (April), my website has been going for 2 whole years! Well whoop-dee-doo.

Too many odd numbers! ARGH! I'm ending this post now.


  • At 4/21/2007 8:33 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Congrats on two years... your blog is fast paced, interesting and packed with attitude. In other words -- Chikory's Epiphany Toilet ROCKS!!!

  • At 4/21/2007 9:40 am, Blogger Chikory said…

    Heh. Thanks, Matt! By why did I have to choose the 3rd to create it!?!?! Seriously. A huge error on my part!

  • At 4/21/2007 9:42 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I hope I could say the same thing...I think this place belongs in the toilet *flush*, as all other crap!

  • At 4/21/2007 9:46 am, Blogger Chikory said…

    You're a right bastard, Xem. :oP If you didn't need the cool reputation that comes with hanging around me, I'd kick you to the gutter.


  • At 4/21/2007 10:30 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    U r cool because of me...before u were just annoying, I made u what u r woman!!!
    Without me there is no Radars, No Chikory or epiphanytoilet!

    So bite me!

  • At 4/21/2007 10:32 am, Blogger Chikory said…

    Dream on, Xem. Everyone knows I made you who you are. Without the influence of the Brass Monkey Brigade, you'd still be banished from the Grotto crowd!

    And don't make a play on the word "Brass". I know how your brain works!

  • At 4/21/2007 10:35 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Who cares about grotto...I'm talking about the real life not some lameass net life!
    What is this the sims? I doubt it!

    I made u hwat u r in REAL LIFE, and FYI, Grotto sucks!!!!

  • At 4/21/2007 10:37 am, Blogger Chikory said…

    Whatever, Xem. You need to learn how to use your keyboard!


    OMG!!!11 OWNED! Slightly...

  • At 4/21/2007 10:39 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 4/21/2007 10:40 am, Blogger Chikory said…



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