Chikory's Epiphany Toilet

No epiphanies.  No toilets.  Just a whole lot of crap.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Pig's bottoms unite!

I have received a few, well, not complaints as such, but words of concern over my sister's insane comment spree. I'd like to apologise to everyone who has been subjected to the ramblings of her warped mind. She's quite messed up in the head, and while she says she's been doing well with her meds, it seems that is definitely not the case.

Ignore any comments you may read. She's always been a very vindictive, deceptive, manipulative person. So while this is totally in character for her, it's of a higher and more malicious extent. You have to agree, anyone who takes high dosages of anti-psychotic drugs and mixes them frequently with alcohol is bound to screw something up permanently in the brain department.

Yet again, I implore you all to ignore her illiterate, twisted ramblings. What she says is not a lie in her head, as she fully believes it. But it is far from the truth.

Apologies to all who have been, or may be on the receiving end in the future. Just know that I find her behaviour both embarrassing and shameful.



  • At 4/01/2007 8:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Whats with her. Why would she be like that you. You seem so nice. Sure youve got an attitude but you seem ok

  • At 4/02/2007 7:11 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well thank you, Tink. But as I said, she's on meds and she's not right in the head. You can't really blame her for having irrational thoughts when she's, well, irrational. One day I hope she gets her act together. But until then, I've had to tell her to stay away from me. Whether she respects that request or not is entirely up to her. But so far she seems to have done so. So that's a credit to her. :o)

  • At 4/02/2007 2:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Shouldnt you help her. I mean you shouldnt hold it against her if its not her fault.

  • At 4/02/2007 8:20 pm, Blogger Chikory said…

    Yes, that's true. But I have my own problems to deal with.

    I've tried to assist her, but she is the type of person who enjoys the attention that comes with this. She doesn't actually want to get better, for getting better is an end to the excuses and the attention. It's sad really.

    I don't hate her, but for my own benefit I have to do this. What's that saying? "Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind." I think that's correct.

  • At 4/03/2007 5:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I thought you said she was on meds.. Is'nt that tring to get better? And if you have a problem maybe its genetic and she can't help it. I think you need to suport her a little more. My mother has depression and she was a mess. I know how hard it can be to accept the person they are but in the long run maybe its for the best?

  • At 4/04/2007 7:13 am, Blogger Chikory said…

    I understand what you're saying. But the meds she is taking don't seem to be helping, yet she keeps taking them. She also drinks a lot of alcohol with them, which is most definitely not recommended.

    The relationship between the two of us has never been good, and over the past few years it's been very strained. I don't hate her, but I can't give her what she thinks she needs. What she thinks she needs won't help her.

    There are other aspects to her life that need assistance, not just the medication side of things. She refuses to do anything about that. You can't go half way. So while it seems she's helping herself, or at least trying to, that's not the case.

    Some people just like taking medication. They don't care what for or where it will get them. I think she's one of those people.

    Myself, I took medication for a while. None of it worked. So in the end I decided to see a Naturopath. I changed my diet, and that helped a lot! My head was so much more clear, and that enabled me to start sorting out the underlying causes for my condition. I'm a lot better now. I still have my ups and downs, but I wouldn't go back to eating all the crap I was before, or taking the medication.

    I don't expect her to do the same thing. But when it's clear what she's doing isn't helping, she should really explore other avenues and do a little more than sitting back popping pills, downing booze, and whinging about how badly done to she is.

  • At 4/05/2007 9:52 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    But didn't she say she has been good for a month or so? I think anyone who did what she did to her leg was obviously crying for help.

    And she must be trying to get better to keep trying with the meds so long. I think its great she finally has the right dose.

    You know it's a chemical imbalance and everyone is different so it takes a while to get the right dose. Im sure if you stuck it out they would have eventually got the right dose for you. But your to be comended for trying something else and have it work.

    Are you sure she drinks too much? Have you been to her house and seen her to make a comment like that? If you have then why dont you sit down and talk to her about your concerns.

    Talking to my mum was the best thing. Once I did she admitted she needed help and went to the doctor. It took a while for the meds to kick in but once it did she was a different person.

    I realise you have your problems, but dont you think you should try and help her.. you know be there for her? Or are you more upset that you have no one to talk to? You know I could talk to you if you need it?

  • At 4/05/2007 5:44 pm, Blogger Chikory said…

    Yes, I know she drinks too much. I saw it for myself when she was living near by. She's a great distance away now, but she would brag about it online.

    One time she was talking to me and drinking. She mentioned her kids were in the bath (small children, not even in school yet). I said, "Shouldn't you be IN there, watching them?" She replied, "No. Alfred's watching them."
    Alfred was the dog. And yes, she was serious.

    Unfortunately you don't know how deep the problems between my sister and I are. I won't get into it with you. But I guess all I can do is trust that you will believe me when I say that this is for the best (for me anyway). I've tried, and I don't have the strength to try anymore. And to be honest, things have become so strained that I don't even view her as my sister anymore. She's this person I use to know. She's changed dramatically, and it's like I don't even know her.

    Thank you for the offer to talk. But I have people around here that I do that with. Much appreciated, though.

  • At 4/05/2007 5:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I cant belive you would say that. I would kill to have a sister.

  • At 4/06/2007 7:44 am, Blogger Chikory said…

    Yeah, well, you can have mine.


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