Chikory's Epiphany Toilet

No epiphanies.  No toilets.  Just a whole lot of crap.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Part 1 - YAY! Field trip!

I have the coolest boss in the world. Sure, he doesn't pay me per say, but he's still the best.

Since December last year I've been assisting a good friend with some data entry.

Recently, some microfilms he had ordered from the States came in, and he enlisted my help to scan each page of data needed (thus ensuring me more data entry in the near future). So for the past 3 days, I've been on a field trip! :oD

Going out in public isn't really my thing, but it's guaranteed that you'll find some interesting characters. Or at least see something that'll make you laugh. I now dispense to you our various exploits...

Tuesday - Our first day of data compiling, Julien (Ma posse member/uber cool boss), overhears a die hard John F. Kennedy fan in action. I guess he was looking through newspapers from that era, because he leaned over to the poor sod unlucky enough to be seated next to him and asked, "Do you remember the date JFK was shot?"
Totally unprepared for such a random question the other man shrugs, "Um... Not really. Wasn't it 1963?"
Not missing a beat, JFK-man responds in a stern tone, complete with fist smacking into hand action, "!"

We've been told.
We've ALL been told.

By the way, it was the 22/11/1963. I totally heart Google. It's the best search engine on the interwebs!

Wednesday - I witnessed an amusing argument involving Julien's youngest brother, his cousin, and a pair of undies. It seemed no one wanted to claim them, so Jonathan and Jesse had been tossing them back and forth. Eventually Jesse emerges from his room, balls up the offensive item, and lobs it across the kitchen towards an unsuspecting Johnathan accompanied by the statement - "They're not my undies!"
Jonathan throws them back and the fight is on.
This is amusing to say the least. But it gets funnier when in a desperate bid to prove that they are not indeed Jesse's underwear, he puts them on over the top of his pants and begins to stretch them out as far as he can.
"LOOK! You can fit 3 of me in here!"

Okay... maybe you had to be there. I dunno who won, or if anyone eventually claimed the orphaned underwear. Maybe I should've suggested they put them on E-bay... People will buy anything there.

Thursday - How do people let themselves get so fat? I mean, isn't there a point when you just go, "Ohmog, I'm huge. Think I might stop stuffing my face with junk"? If there's not, maybe there should be!
Anyway, this huge woman gets on to the train and sits in front of us. She almost filled both seats. As soon as she sat down, Julien and I both looked at each other like, "Dude!"

A couple of stops later, an equally fat woman gets on board. She comes down the isle with great difficulty, and decides that she's going to squeeze in next to this huge lass. I don't know how they did it without having something flopping off the edge of the seat and out into the isle, but they did.
Yet again Julien and I share a look. Only this time he bravely mumbles, "Well done."
Indeed, it was. I think it should be put in the Guinness Book of Records. Because I tell ya, that was an amazing feat and a half! I'm so glad I witnessed it... sort of.

Now what is it with female librarians? Why are they always total bitches? You get a male staff member, and they're more than happy to assist you. If they can't, they'll apologise. But females. They rock up to work in a really bad mood, and then proceed to take it out on everyone and everything in sight!
So I grabbed a feed back card... and they can just bite me!

Over the 3 days I actually did quite a few things I don't usually do. This is a moment in history, people. You may not have been a part of it in real time, but you're a part of it as it's unleashed upon the world wide web. Here are just a few of them.

*I used public transport. This is big for me, as the public and I do not mix well.
*I slept in a bed, under the sheets, that someone else had slept in the night before. Like, dude! I didn't even cringe and demand they be changed/washed immediately.
*I used a microfilm machine. Never been done before, and damn it was fun.
*I accepted train tickets from Julien, without an argument over who pays for them... yet. (No, I won't attempt to pay. I was going to, but I'll spare you. Heh, he said today, "I've never had to work so hard to give someone something before." So true. I hate gifts.)
*I shared some drops that I have, usually if that little thing goes anywhere near someone's mouth I won't touch it. But it did, and I continued to use them! YAY ME!
*I washed dishes for the first time in about 3 years. I kid you not.
*I gave out a few hugs to people. Usually the thought of that makes me want to rip off a limb rather than have to go through that. Physical contact is not my thing.

There are a couple more, but I have a reputation to keep...

Anyway. Not next week, but the week after we're going back for another 3 days. Hopefully by then all 16 years of data will be compiled. Then we're going to a museum! :oD At least I am. That's not up for debate. I'm totally there.



  • At 3/30/2007 1:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Chikory... cool blog. Sounds like a big week. And fun. It also begs the question... is a Delta Goodrem concert in the works? Just kidding.

  • At 3/31/2007 9:44 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Once I drank someone elses was good!

    Thank u anonymous indian in the jungles of south america!

  • At 3/31/2007 9:47 am, Blogger Chikory said…

    Xem, you're disgusting. I think I'm going to be sick...


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