Chikory's Epiphany Toilet

No epiphanies.  No toilets.  Just a whole lot of crap.

Monday, January 22, 2007

My sister is a retard.

Anyone who knows me knows I'm not especially fond of my sister. I don't care if she reads this, because as of about 10 minutes ago, I am officially so pissed off with her that if she were here I'd grab her bottom lip and pull it over her body... Or get another 2 family signatures and have her committed. After you read this you will agree with that act.

So. A bit of background for you.
At the very end of last year, I was going through a rather tough patch. I turned to my sister online, and I don't know why I thought she'd actually give a crap, because if it doesn't involve her she doesn't give a hoot. Anyway, she blew me off and started talking about herself, so I just humoured her with responses like, 'yeah', 'wow', and 'k'.
Being her usual self, she didn't realise this total lack of literacy, and she kept talking.
She goes offline, and I don't speak with her for another week.

As you can imagine, I'm pretty pissy with her, so I'm not very friendly. During her rant about winning a bird feeder, she picks up on the fact that I'm not all that excited and questions me on this. (If I'm mad at her it's an excuse to go into "pity me" mode and have a cry because her little sister is being a mean poo poo head.)
She asks me what my problem is, so I basically tell her that she has her head firmly shoved up her anus and would know what my issue is if she actually stopped talking about herself for 2 minutes and took note what the rest of the world was doing. Surprisingly I did it in a less angry fashion.
She says nothing for a while, I walk off, and she's offline by the time I return to the PC.

Then the next morning I get some offline messages from my insane sibling. I still have the chat log, so you can all read her "intelligent" spiel.

The Evil One sent 12/30/2006 10:12 PM:
guess what im doing with a bottle of hydrocloric acid??
The Evil One sent 12/30/2006 10:12 PM:
\if im a bitch who doesnt listen... when i thought you where my only freind
The Evil One sent 12/30/2006 10:13 PM:oh my goodness a hole through my leg thanks my sister for tralking to me when i needed someon

What the hell? I didn't realise winning a bird feeder was something that you needed someone to talk to about. Next time someone wins something, I'll think better of it, and offer them a hug and my condolences.

So now, not even a month later, I sit down to eat some dinner and I get a text message. "The Evil One" has sent you some pictures, go to vodafone and do this and this to collect them.
Okay, I think, I'm pretty bored. What rubbish has she sent me.
I'll be nice, unlike her, and give you links. Click them at your own risk, and if you've not got a weak stomach.

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

I WAS EATING!!! She's so freakin' nutso it's not funny. I introduced her to my friend Mel online, and next thing you know she's talking to her about birth control. "My marina fell out, what birth control do you use, Mel?"
My Squad, is there any hope for the generations to follow? We're all doomed.


  • At 1/22/2007 9:03 pm, Blogger Enny said…


    That's pretty - er - terrible?!

  • At 1/22/2007 9:40 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh my flying squad!!!
    That's her leg?! EWWWWWWWW.
    What is she doing with acid and kids in the same house anyway?
    Well, at least if she goes running around burning holes in her legs or whatever, that's birth control enough. No one wants to touch a pussy open wound yeah?
    Maybe she should think about getting desexed. I hear the rspca does it at a discount rate. People that stupid shouldnt be allowed to have spawn.

  • At 1/22/2007 10:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That's pretty gruesome... and crazy! She must be really desperate for attention, lonely, unhappy or something to do that and then send you pics of it. Strange stuff.

  • At 1/24/2007 6:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    For once I will not joke.

    U know Cikory, u really need to see if u can get your siste rin some kind of care, or shrink, she is a hazard to herself and her children.

    She seems very volotile and may make very harsh decisions in a short amount of time.

    "Normal" ppl don't do that...that is a step up from slashing arms or legs...


  • At 1/30/2007 2:25 am, Blogger Hambo said…

    Off topic...

    Is that the store all the hippys are boycotting? Freaking hippys

  • At 2/05/2007 6:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That's the one. That store only brings in about 20,000 dollars a day. It's the most unproductive store on the coast. Continuing to build on that site was pure insanity.

  • At 3/26/2007 5:31 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It's called venting, Scabloby. You can't send me gross photos like that and expect me to just keep that to myself. Get your own website and whinge if you want! I don't say anything here that I don't wish for other people to read; including who I say it about.

    Pig's Bottoms unite! We own this place!!!


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