Chikory's Epiphany Toilet

No epiphanies.  No toilets.  Just a whole lot of crap.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Weekly update... Because I'm lazy and it has been an actual week since my last post. Could this title be any longer? Yes.

So. What's happened in a week? I wrote a list. How organised is that!

First off. Thursday night I got bored, so I decided to go to Mel's house early. I got there around 11pm, and dude. She has cable! That was uber cool, because I stayed up till 4am watching a heap of old shows I hadn't seen in ages. Classic moments of my childhood came flooding back to me. Hours spent sitting in front of the tube, mesmerised by the little characters getting up to their antics on the screen. Those were the days. Now there's nothing on TV! You flick through channel after channel and all of it is complete and utter garbage!
Damn you channels 10, 9 and 7! I hate you!

Second. Mince meat is cheaper in Brisbo. So mum sends me, accompanied by a 20 dollar bill, to get 2 trays of this edible substance. I did, and also purchased a bottle of water for myself. I get back to the car, look at the docket and realise that the chick behind the register forgot to scan the water. Now I could've just driven off and been a whole $1.80 richer. But because I hadn't left I felt kind of bad, and went in to pay for the water. Had I been back at Mel's place I wouldn't have bothered, but the parking lot is a whole other story. Anyway. I go in and tell the chick, and she gets full on T.Oed with me. The old lady in the line at least commented that I didn't have to come back and how it was incredibly honest of me. But that chick had a huge bee in her fat bonnet!
"Are you sure it was me who served you?" She says
Duh! I thought to myself and simply replied, "I was here not even a minute ago, and you are the only register open."

So she allowed me to pay and I left. It wouldn't have happened if she weren't standing there talking to the other checkout chick (who was on her way out of the store). Usually I don't give a crap if they talk to other workers. After all, it stops them from talking to me. But in this case I'm ticked at her for being ticked at me for doing the right thing. So she can get stuffed.

Third. On the way home I encountered so many crazy drivers. I realise you have to be aggressive in that kind of traffic. But these idiots weren't letting anyone merge, and when I left a gap they got ticked and started with the hand gestures. We were putting along at about 20kmph. So I can see how allowing 1 or 2 cars in would make them lose precious time.
"I could've been 2 meters ahead by now if that person didn't let that car in! 2 METERS!"
Toss pots.

Fourth. Driving down the highway, almost home, and what do I see? A self-proclaimed "welcome to boganville" advertisement. It was more or less some idiot in a Santa suit walking along the highway waving at the traffic with a bucktooth bogan bag lady running along after him.
Santa is a moron. I hate him, too.

So that was Thursday and Friday. Now for today...

I had to get petrol. So I'm waiting in line. There are 2 pumps in use. I am parked behind waiting, and behind me is another car. I'm sitting there for a few minutes, when this old fruit cake gets out of the car behind. He walks up to each person pumping their petrol and just stands there, staring at them, then moving his focus to the fuel tank, and finally scrutinising the pump screen.
Thankfully he returned to his car before it was my turn, 'cause the mood I was in, I totally would've thumped him in the nose.

Bad news. We have new neighbours, and they're total bogans. Equipped with the swearing and fighting in the street. Oh yay. How joyous this will be.

This has been a messy, incoherent post. Brought to you by the dysfunctional brain of Chikory O'riley.
Good day to you.


  • At 12/20/2006 6:49 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I can't believe you went back and paid for the water :|
    And W00T! Cable is the best! I don't watch much free tv these days. You'd be in all your glory watching the many many reruns of the old fogey shows that you do. Yes, I am talking about M*A*S*H, Diagnosis Murder, pretty much anything that your mothers watch lol. But they are now showing House again so that's cool.

  • At 12/20/2006 5:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I do NOT watch old fogie shows! I just have good taste and a need for an actual plot line, good clean humour, and well defined characters.

    House is one of the few shows that offer that these days.

    And I would've felt like I stole the water if I'd just driven off. If I'd got back to your place it would've been a different story, having to go to all that effort to fix the chick's mistake and all. But yeah. The parking lot was totally different.

  • At 1/22/2007 5:19 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Curse you and your silly word verification... you thought you could keep us out... no no no... we are here... The Disgruntled Employee Association... spam ROCKS!


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