Chikory's Epiphany Toilet

No epiphanies.  No toilets.  Just a whole lot of crap.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Meet Zoe. Poor dog.

You know. I totally get that sometimes a family pet might escape. Sometimes, they might just go for a wander and get lost. Sometimes, it's not the owner's fault, and it's completely unavoidable (that is, unless you have super powers and can see into the future). But this. This is beyond the joke!

My buddy Mel has a beef about people who let their dogs roam aimlessly around the neighbourhood. While I completely agree, no one seems to get more angry than her about it.
"It's irresponsible! They have no right to have an animal if they can't look after it!"
Yeah, too true!

Anyway, the point of this post is pictured below.


Meet Zoe. A Jack Russel x Foxy Terrier. When I arrived home last night, she was in the garage waiting to greet me. At first I thought it was my dog, and naturally I questioned what she was doing outside all on her own. But when I turned the light on, I realised the reason she was outside on her own, was because it wasn't Josephine at all.

So I walked inside with this animal, and my dog gave me the evils. I tell ya, if looks could kill, I would be well and truly dead by now.
Mother explained to me that the dog had been hanging around for the better part of 3 hours. Like many other dogs that seem to enjoy hanging out on our property from time to time, she assumed the dog would leave and return to its abode. But it wasn't going anywhere.

The dog had no tag with a name on it, and only donned the typical council registration number. Being too late to call them and find out where it came from, Zoe had to stay the night.

After a lot of whinging from mum and dad about how I should just boot the dog out and see if it was still there come morning, I chained the dog up in my room and let it sleep in Josie's bed. I mean, it's not like Josie uses it anyway. She likes to set up camp on the end of my bed... being a person and all (I roll my eyes).
I mean, if Josie were to escape, I'd want the person who found her to make sure that she were safely returned to me. Not just assume the dog can look after itself and find its own way home. Don't ya think?

Anyway. Back to the point. Come morning, a little after 9am, I rang the council and they told me the dogs name, then went through the whole process of ringing the owners and arranging things so the dog could be returned. This went down well. The owners rang, and being just down the road (I dunno what number, just the street), I said I'd be happy to walk her home.
"Oh no. I'm just heading out. I have to get some medication for my mother, but I'll send my husband around in about half an hour to pick her up, if that's okay?"
Not having anything better to do with my time, because I have no life, I said that would be fine and gave her my address and what not.
That was 2 and a half hours ago.

The lady had explained that she'd taken her kids to some party, and the dog must have got out some how. I bought that excuse, it happens. I get that! But I'm not a baby sitter! She said half an hour, and it's been well and truly over that. This poor dog is upset. She wants to go home. While she's friendly enough, I can tell she's not too comfortable. It's a good thing she doesn't understand, or she'd be well and truly insulted. I know I would be!

I know if Josie went missing, I would've been combing the streets till dawn looking for her. I would've been around in a jiffy to get my little doggie back home where she belongs. This lady wasn't even concerned. She sounded like she was 1 cookie short of a packet, and just not too comprehensive about the whole situation.

Damn I'm cheesed. Poor dog.


  • At 12/01/2006 3:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    poor lil doggie :( I wonder if she does that with her children too- allow strangers to look after them while she's off "purchasing medication"
    She's probably sitting around somewhere smoking dope feeling justified.

  • At 12/01/2006 3:22 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    3:20pm, and finally Zoe has gone home. I had to call the council again, and it took 7:58 seconds on the phone before the woman was located.

    She rocked up, and said something about going to work in Brisbane and only just getting home. Her husband was meant to come and get the dog. What happened to the medication?

    Anyway, Zoe actually went to follow me in the house. Guess she likes her owners a lot...

    6 hours and 20 minutes just isn't good enough as far as I'm concerned.

  • At 1/22/2007 5:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Curse you and your silly word verification... you thought you could keep us out... no no no... we are here... The Disgruntled Employee Association... spam ROCKS!


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