Chikory's Epiphany Toilet

No epiphanies.  No toilets.  Just a whole lot of crap.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

In the words of Big Kev, "I'm excited!"

Ever had one of those strange moments when you do something only to go, "What the hell?" because it was just so darn stupid? I had one of those whilst talking to Mel on msn...

Chikory says:
Chikory says:
I jsut got so excited!
Chikory says:
And then I was like, "TF?"
Chikory says:
Because it was a really LAME thing to get excited about.
Chikory says:
Chikory says:
Ever had that happen?
- Melly - says:
the pic?
Chikory says:
No. I got something I didn't expect for another week...
Chikory says:
My washing.
- Melly - says:
oh lol
Chikory says:
Chikory says:
Lame, huh?
Chikory says:
But I was seriously like, "OHMOG! COOL!"
- Melly - says:
- Melly - says:
Chikory says:
Thank you.
Chikory says:
Thank you so much for your support in my time fo need.
Chikory says:
- Melly - says:
that's what friends are for

Now for a completely random quote by Earl's ex-mother-in-law from the TV series 'My Name is Earl': "Don't you judge me!"


  • At 1/22/2007 5:20 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Curse you and your silly word verification... you thought you could keep us out... no no no... we are here... The Disgruntled Employee Association... spam ROCKS!


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