Chikory's Epiphany Toilet

No epiphanies.  No toilets.  Just a whole lot of crap.

Friday, December 29, 2006

In the great words of Nelson Muntz, "HA HA!"

See that car? Do you? It went off the side of a mountain the other day. I drove past after it had happened, and almost ran over a motorcycle cop (he just pulled out without looking, luckily one of us was concentrating). The road is incredibly windy, recommended speed is 40kmph, but you can do 50 if you know the road. But when it's raining, you just don't fool with it, especially going downhill.

Anyway. When I drove past I couldn't see the car, as it was down the side of the mountain and all. Like, duh. But when it came on the news, I instantly recognised it and laughed. Sounds cruel, I know. But the woman totally got what she deserved. I just love it when stupid people get their comeuppance. It's so great!

See, I have a small car, and there's nothing worse than losers in 4WDs tailgating you when you're breaking the law and doing 10 over the limit as it is. That totally irks me! I almost always slow down, which I did on numerous occasions for this lady. I can't count the amount of times I encountered her on that stretch of road. Her and her huge car, and high up headlights blinding me while she impatiently sat 20cms from my bumper.

So yeah. She got owned. Ha ha to her.



  • At 12/29/2006 9:30 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    haha... I total agree Chikory. I always slow down when some idiot is blazing down my neck. If they're determined to hit me, I'd rather they hit me going slow rather than fast.

  • At 1/22/2007 5:15 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Curse you and your silly word verification... you thought you could keep us out... no no no... we are here... The Disgruntled Employee Association... spam ROCKS!


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