Chikory's Epiphany Toilet

No epiphanies.  No toilets.  Just a whole lot of crap.

Monday, December 04, 2006

♪"'Cause ya had a bad day..."♪

Measly BeazleyI couldn't help but over hear (while tuning out on what my father was saying) that Kim Beazley has had one heck of a bad day. According to channel 10 news, he got booted out of whatever position he was currently holding (I really don’t’ make a habit of watching the news, or keeping up with anything non-my-own-private-bubble related), and his brother passed away.

Don't get me wrong, it's all sad I know. But the newsreader made one comment that actually forced me to turn my head and look at the TV screen.
“The Government provided Kim Beazley with a private jet so he could fly home.”*

Say what? The Government provided him with this jet? I realize the urgent need for this, seeing as flights around Australia are far and few, and you’d have to wait days just to be able to find a vacant seat. Not to mention how long your average Boeing 747 would take to fly from Canberra to Perth. So I’m totally not dissing the need for this expensive flight. But to say the Government supplied it is just outrageous! Everyone knows it’s our tax paying dollars that provide everything from bog roll to window panes!

Anywho, all this led me to think that maybe we should all send Mr. Beazley and nice letter asking that he thank us all for supplying him with this convenient jet.

Sounds fair to me.

*Statement is not a direct quote, as I can’t be sure what the exact wording was. So silence, minions!


  • At 1/22/2007 5:21 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Curse you and your silly word verification... you thought you could keep us out... no no no... we are here... The Disgruntled Employee Association... spam ROCKS!


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