Chikory's Epiphany Toilet

No epiphanies.  No toilets.  Just a whole lot of crap.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Today... sucked. <:o(


I'm had a crap day. As usual, past experiences didn't disappoint, and as I've come to expect, my okay day yesterday was followed by an extremely awful Wednesday.

First off, I had to go down town and do the shopping. I don't have much patience for people, as you all too well know, but coming so close to Christmas people reach their peak when it comes to irking my nerves.
Shortly after I arrived home, I got some mail. Usually it's bills. But no, I was spared today. For about two seconds anyway. That is, until I opened the damn envelopes.

The first one was from Mission Employment. I hate them. They're harassing me to come in for an interview, which usually means I go in, they try and make me talk to that lady I hate, only for the boss to come over and go, "Oh, Chikory, you're not meant to be here. You're still on a medical certificate." I might ring them, but you usually always get the person who doesn't have a clue what they're doing.
The second letter was one of those encrypted pieces of garbage from Centrelink. I have no idea what they're trying to tell me. It's almost as if they have their own language. I guess I'll have to go in and question them. But I fear the same situation as Mission; a plastic flamingo behind a desk with a hollow head.

Secondly, a friend came around with her nephew. He's a cute kid. I've got nothing against him. But I don't like germs and all that jazz. At least only where people are concerned (as I've discovered, this is due to my strong dislike for people. Yeah, my psychologist is good for something). So in between drooling and covering his hands in spit, he throws up on my floor. I almost went into convulsions. I kid you not. I'm actually rather shocked at my reaction, I've never done that before. I mean, not to that extent. Anyway, my friend went to wipe the mess with a towel, and I had to stop her from making that grave mistake. So I whipped out my antiseptic wipes (doesn't everyone have a box of those in their room?), and she thankfully cleaned it for me. Dude, I don't even like recalling THAT event. It was totally gnarly.

Third, I found out that I, along with another poor unfortunate, have become yet again, the victim of gossip. It doesn't bother me, as I've had a lot worse thrown at me, but because it really upsets the other person involved, I'm going to have to stop speaking to them for a while. Just until things die down. It totally stinks. So tell me again, why should I like people??? They're so nice! *Not* I'd like to find the people starting these rumours and punch them in the face. But that's not the right thing to do, which in turn is not only hard, but sucks a heck of a lot!

Fourth, My Best Mate Wes (one of my mice) passed away due to the extreme heat. Poor little fella was fine when my friend left. Then an hour later I go to secure the cage for the night, and he's no longer among the living. Poor little fella only just went, too. Rigor mortis hadn't yet set in. He was so much like his Aunty Emo, too. Use to be first out for the food. He'd come running and sit on my hand happily. I'm sensing a pattern here. I mean, along with my immense dislike for Sundays. Seems whenever I get an animal that enjoys my company just as much as I enjoy its, it up and dies. At least I've still got Clive the rat... I hope. :oS

Fifth and final, for now. I have crossed over to adult hood. Yes, I am officially no longer "cool". I'm old. I never saw that coming. See, my msn picture is the group shot of the Ninja Turtles, visible in my previous rant. Mel's daughter (she's like, 11) came online, and informs me that my picture is "weird". So I filled her in on the background of the turtles, and how I use to watch that show when I were a wee lass. Well. Turns out I'm now old. I got dissed by a freakin' 11 year-old! What The...?

I think the days of angry ranting Chikory are coming to an end. I'm getting boring, and old, and miserable. Well, I was always miserable. But now I just mope. *Sigh* I'm going to go and sulk now...


  • At 11/30/2006 12:50 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I can relate to how you're feeling. Whenever things are going great for me I always get a strange feeling of deja vu that something bad is going to happen. Usually it does, but it's never as bad as I thought at the time. I hope that's the case for you. Maybe in a strange twist of fate all the suffering you feel today will lead to greater happiness down the road. I hope so.

  • At 11/30/2006 7:28 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I've had* I meant I've had! Sheesh, one word into the post and I make an error. Bah!

    Yeah, ta, Zach. It's not superstition or anything. But it just always happens that way. Maybe things will look up. I'm meant to be trying to be more positive. However, that task is much harder than most think. Especially when crap things start happening.


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