Chikory's Epiphany Toilet

No epiphanies.  No toilets.  Just a whole lot of crap.

Monday, November 20, 2006

A spot of late night ranting...

I love youtube. Not only do people post whole episodes there, but they also posts links to whole episodes on other sites. So when those nancy-pants bums decide that it's a liable offense to host these videos, the 1337 n3rd5 have other places to go to fill their uber geeky obsessions.

Cool introduction aside*, I managed to fit in some serious House watching. No, I don't mean the actual stationary buildings, but the grumpy doctor played by the hilarious Hugh Laurie. Damn it, he owns.

Detective Tritter, played by David Morse (of whom I hold no grudge against, it's just the character that stinks!)Anywhozel, I watched the 3 latest episodes from season 3, all involving this total pain in the bottom detective who is just being a total "bleep bleepedy bleep" to House. I literally want to reach through my monitor and give this guy a good beating. He's such a moron. Acting all high and mighty, like it's his job to teach House to play nice with his toys, when in actual fact he's behaving in the exact same way. Hypocritical toss pot!

Not only does this guy annoy me because he's picking on one of my favourite grumpy doctors (Remember Becker? Yeah, I know he's got nothing on House, but still... I remember that guy), but he can't seem to conjugate a sentence without pausing every few words. Oh! And his gum chewing habit just irks me no end. There's nothing worse than someone standing there just chewing like a cow. There is absolutely nothing about gum that's good. Not one thing! It's unhygienic, it's annoying, it tastes gross, and dirty little snots stick it under every surface they can get their grubby little bogan mits on!

BAH! Anyway. Long story short, Tritter makes me mad as H-E double toothpicks!

Mega cheesed off,

*If I say it's cool then it's cool. So kiss my rectal recreational area.


  • At 11/23/2006 4:04 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    24 Season 6 Premise (Rejected): Jack Bauer has been poisened by a Mad Scientist bent on his destruction. Dr. House has 24 hrs to not only find a cure for Jack, but the entire city.
    P.S. -- and still have enough time left for Jack to get well and kick some Mad Scientist butt.

  • At 11/23/2006 12:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'd watch that! Add in some help from Charlie and Don Eppes, and you've got yourself a signed and stamped deal! Too bad I don't have the money, equipment, or know-how to do anything with that premise. But what the hey. We can dream... Can't we? <:or


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