Chikory's Epiphany Toilet

No epiphanies.  No toilets.  Just a whole lot of crap.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Reason #202 why I'm a nut case.

So. So so so. Hmm...

I had my first psychologist appointment today. Yeah, I'm nuts. Like you didn't know that already. Anyway, I'm mentioning this because something amusing happened. See, she'd gone down the usual path and asked me about my "dreams". Now, I can never remember my dreams, I mean. Sometimes I do, sometimes they just come to me in an instant and I'll go, 'Oh yeah, that's what that dream was about.' But very rarely do I get that far. So. So so so. She's all disappointed that I couldn't seem to remember them, I guess it would've been fun for her or something. I dunno. But yeah. Okay, this isn't very coherent, is it? Shut up. Continuing.

So, it's like, moments before I get ready to leave, and then, it hits me! So I'm all excited that I remembered, right? And I go, "OH! I remember what I dreamt about now!"
So she grabs her little pen and paper and gets real excited and is ready and raring to go, and she says, "Okay. Tell me about it."
So I said, "Well. I spent all yesterday watching that old 80's cartoon, The Ninja Turtles. And I actually had a dream about them."
"About what?" She asks
So I respond, "About the Ninja Turtles."
So she's looking a little disappointed at this stage, but I think she thinks this still might get somewhere so she says, "Okay, what happened?"
And I shrugged and went, "It was just your average episode. Krang and Shredder want to beat up the turtles and take over the world. But to do that they have to get the Technodrome up on the surface of the earth, but it has no power, so they're after that. But of course the Ninja Turtles kick their butts. Yeah. Just basically your average episode."
She just plopped her pen down and looked rather peeved. I think she thought I was pulling her leg. But yeah. I wasn't. I heart youtube and dailymotion. They give me something more to do than googling random topics... YAY!
Elliot Reid:  Moment killer!It was such an uber cool moment, in fact I'd go as far as to say that it was worthy of the "Elliot Reid: Moment killer!" label. Heh... Scrubs is a funny show.

But back to the Ninja Turtles. Yeah, that's my new flavour of the moment. The old cartoons were so good. The turtles looked cute, yet totally cool, and they had personalities. These new ones, look evil and scary. And their personalities are next to none. I mean, they don't even have pupils! Look at those eyes! (You have to scroll down to do that.) They're the kind of eyes you'd see in the corner of a haunted house, just glaring at you from the shadows, leaving you with the impression that what ever belongs to those eyes is just waiting to jump out of its hiding place and eat your face or something.
Too deep? Oh well.

If you were a 6 year-old, which would you rather look at?
Cool looking characters that won't make you go poopy-in-your-pants, and have the potential to make for very interesting viewing, due to their well-explored personalities?
The original Ninja Turtles.

Or evil things that look like they just jumped out of Dimension X?
New evil Ninja Turtles

Personally, I'd rather hug Krang...

Anywhozel... In the great words of Michaelangelo: "Like, cowabunga, dudes!"

This has been another Chikory O'riley rantâ„¢.


  • At 11/29/2006 10:49 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ninja Turtles Rock ...
    and dreams aren't very mysterious. At least not to me, but I may be biased. I've never had a dream -- no matter how weird, disjointed or lucid -- that I didn't instantly wake up and say "Oh, that's why I dreamed that. That's fucked up."

  • At 11/29/2006 4:04 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ha ha. My brothers always remembered their dreams. I can recall many a time when they'd come upstairs in the morning rambling on about some totaly insane series of events, straight from the depths of their equally insane minds.

    The one that I remember the most, which wasn't one of weirdiest, I must say, was to do with a shark. My brother aparently went swimming, and he got out of the water, not realising he was being followed. Turns out a shark that grew legs, and was wearing board shorts was chasing him. :oS

    I have a strange family.


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