Chikory's Epiphany Toilet

No epiphanies.  No toilets.  Just a whole lot of crap.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

The post with no title. Oh wait, this is a title. Damn it!

My pickle tastes funny. Hmm... Maybe someone did something to it while I wasn't watching. How suss.

Went to a memorial service today. In fact I only arrived home about half an hour ago. It was sad, I didn't really know the lady all that well, but my mum had known her for 30 odd years and I wasn't going to let dad drive my car, so I opted to take them.
I sat there trying to be a hard-ass, you know, all cold and what not. "Don't cry, it's for pussies" that sort of thing. But when we all got up to sing the song, my mum started to bawl and that set me off.

Ohmog! It's not the pickle that tastes funny at all. It's the rice noodles. I just happened to eat the pickle after the noodle and together it created some totally disgusting taste that I don't recommend you try at home.

Anyway, the reason I'm camped out in front of my computer today is because I'm compiling a heap of those "are you insane" quizzes. I was just going to write them down and give them to a friend, but then I took one look at the uber long url and decided that it's easier to click than write all of that out. So if you've been following my boring existence this far, then you'll probably find that I'm repeating myself. If that annoys you, I don't care.

Damn it, why didn't I add oil to my noodles after I cooked them? They're sticking together now. Grrr... It's not my day for food, clearly. Maybe I shouldn't eat anything for the rest of the day.

Okay okay, keep on track, quiz time.

What mental disorder do you have?

Which mental disorder do you have? See, that one was different. I used which instead of what. Yeah, I know. I'm pure genius.

Personality disorder test

I feel sick. What? I just thought it was time for an intermission, that's all.

Hahahaha. The dog doesn't even want to eat the noodles. Heh... easily amused. Okay okay, back to it.

A few personality tests.

What herb are you?
Apparently I am "moly". What the hell kind of name is that for a herb? Dude. Stranger things have happened. Yup.

Moly... I've already said my 2 cents about it.  Just cast your eyes above this picture.

Numerous psychological tests Dude! Jack pot! Now I've got something to do. Hooray! Okay, maybe I'm a little too excited. But who asked you anyway! Sheesh. Opinionative son of a diddley!*

*I am not affiliated with Ned Flanders, or Matt Groening in any way, shape, or form.


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